
Men and women have to adjust to each other, nature having given us with slightly different sexual propensities.

Men can look at a bump in a blouse and get hard. Women take longer to warm up, to get in the mood. That’s why we’ve heard so much about foreplay. A guy can be in and out in ten; end of event. Not so satisfying for the woman who is just getting started, next to someone whose just gone from hyper- to hypo-active. And so we strive for some balance that can lead to a satisfying out-come for both.

But what about after? A guy can just roll over and be asleep in a two minutes. If she’s lucky enough to have found her contentment, she’s alone to share the feeling. If she’s less lucky, she’s frustrated and alone, sharing little. We need something here.

Postplay. Not just snuggling in arms, though that goes a long way. Add the play: running your fingers softly along skin, a quiet squeeze here and there, a finger tracing her lips, a nuzzle to the ear. Just a few minutes as the heart rate comes back down and the breathing settles.

Postplay. Let’s not forget.

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