Category: Momentum


Do not regret; just do. Regret hangs you up, causes you to doubt, to hesitate. Leave it in the past. You are in the present,

Live Desperately

You feel tired, or lazy, like another hour in bed would be nice, like getting in gear would be more effort than would be comfortable

Chasing Energy

Energy: drives everything. Needs to be refreshed, renewed, lifted – every day. A live, cyclical force. Find the flows, like updrafts on a ridge. Ride


Jumping though hoops. How much of succeeding in life is just jumping through them? No matter how simple or complex, how useful or ridiculous? Take

Over the Hump

The biggest hump of the day to overcome, the moment at which you know the rest of the day will be easier – more like

Beyond Fate

There is a dissatisfaction in leaving things to fate. She often starts things rolling, presenting an opportunity only to abandon it like a cuckoo bird

Greeting the Day

Finding ways to greet the day. To overcome the “sabanas que pican,” the sheets that cling. Finding ways to accept the daylight that beckons, too