Category: Depressed

Add to Your List

Always add to your task list, your string of “to-do’s,” the following items: * Smile * Laugh * Share * Love

Just Practice

When you make a really big mistake, when you miss an important opportunity, when someone really close to you leaves, remember one thing: it was

Letting It Go

It really is important, how one deals with disappointment. We encounter a lot of them. Name your topic area-there you have one — or two,

Chasing Energy

Energy: drives everything. Needs to be refreshed, renewed, lifted – every day. A live, cyclical force. Find the flows, like updrafts on a ridge. Ride

And Yet There is Beauty

And yet there is beauty … Say it to yourself whenever you are about to be overwhelmed by something sad, cruel, frustrating or disheartening. For

A Peaceful Moment

Pick a peaceful moment The morning hour before the mists have burned clear A blue lake whose surface is mirror-still, or fluttering with a light,

To the Dawn

When you feel particularly beat upon — whether by other people, the situation at hand, or even yourself — remember that you just have to